Three Questions Every Employee Handbook Should Answer

2 min read
Jan 21, 2025 9:30:00 AM

An employee handbook is essential to a company, as it paves the way for employees to succeed. If your employees understand the company and its goals, and they can understand what to expect, you will be sure to watch your company blossom.

These are the top three questions that a highly effective employee handbook answers. 

What Topics Should be Included in an Employee Handbook?

Employee handbooks are big, bulky, and should include a lot of information regarding your business, expectations, and policies. 

However, there are certain foundational questions that every employee handbook should answer, as it helps set the tone, expectations, and frame the goals of the company. 

Here are three questions to include in your employee handbook:

Question 1: What Is the Company Culture?

Your employees play a vital role within your company, including the way they think and act. They also pave the way for the personality of the company and its workplace environment.

When you define your company culture in your employee handbook, it establishes your vision and mission statement and provides a window of what your employees can expect on a day-to-day basis. Even things such as including an employee dress code in your handbook can help define this. 

A company culture that is clearly defined also lets the employee know how they can play their part in the vision of the company.

Of course, company culture is something that must be lived and fostered every day, not just written in an employee handbook. However, a handbook can describe situations and examples of a company’s strong culture at work and will give new employees a good understanding of what this will look like for them. Keep in mind that you should utilize your employee handbook not just to build a company culture, but to build an ethical company culture at that. 

Question 2: What Employee Expectations Are There?

If your employees do not understand what is expected of them, how can you expect or define successful results?

Clearly defined expectations of your employees will help you to uphold the company culture you have defined in your handbook as well as hold your employees accountable for their actions.

These expectations may include common sense items, such as documenting that the employee should arrive on time and in proper dress. They might also include performance standards so employees have a method to measure their own success. Flexible work schedules are also something you'll want to potentially address.

Though these outlined expectations can range from simple to complex, they give your employees a road map to succeed, as well as helping them feel like career development and growth is a priority to you. 

Question 3: What Can Employees Expect from You?

Management plays a vital role in any company and a necessary role in an employee’s career.

Management also is the embodiment of culture in the company, acknowledging and placing into practice the mission statement. A lot is expected of employees and they may have some expectations of management.

Clearly defined roles of management will lay down the foundation of interaction between employees and their superiors, including policies and procedures and ways to continue a positive relationship in the work environment.

Get Help with Your Employee Handbook

If you are struggling with employee handbook basics, or even some of the more complex areas of employee handbooks such as business emergency plans, an HR Service Company may be able to help. 

To see how we are helping countless businesses with their employee handbooks and HR processes, contact us today.

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